Joshua Hrehovcik, photographer and writer, likes to take long rides and lots of photographs. He is currently in a contest to get more Instagram followers than his brother – and is losing. Badly. You can help Josh by following him on Instagram @retroroadtripper65
The Brothers Instagram Followers Contest Scoreboard
@retroroadtripper65: 3,908
@noahstjohn: 45,900
Take a colorful journey to some of the most wonderful places in New England through the eyes of photographer and not bad selling author Joshua Hrehovcik, The Retro Roadtripper.
Part travel guide, part photo album, The Retro Roadtrip Series visits some of the best-known vacation spots in this special part of the world as well as uncovers hidden gems known only to the locals.
So let’s hit the road with The Retro Roadtripper.
Books! Books! Get your Books Here!
A “Famous” Photographer visits historic Goodall Park, Sanford Maine.
Josh Hrehovcik, The Retro Roadtripper, visits historic Goodall Park, home of Sanford Mainers Baseball in Sanford, Maine.
Fun Fact: Goodall Park first opened in 1915 and was the last ballpark that Babe Ruth hit a home run in wearing a Boston Red Sox uniform.
Fun Fact 2: Josh isn’t famous
Josh is currently in a contest to get more Instagram followers than his brother – and is losing. Badly.
You can help Josh by following him on Instagram @retroroadtripper65
Foggy Reflections from Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
And, of course, my spirit animal. The seagull.
#foggyweather #perkinscove #seagull #raw_reflection #Ogunquit #downeastmagazine #natgeomyshot #Maine #raw_newengland #queenofpeace #lobsterboats #mainelobstermen #bestofnewengland #bestofthepinetreestate2 #onlyinmaine #yankeemagazine #spiritanimals
Mar 6

Foggy Reflections from Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
And, of course, my spirit animal. The seagull.
#foggyweather #perkinscove #seagull #raw_reflection #Ogunquit #downeastmagazine #natgeomyshot #Maine #raw_newengland #queenofpeace #lobsterboats #mainelobstermen #bestofnewengland #bestofthepinetreestate2 #onlyinmaine #yankeemagazine #spiritanimals
🎶 Keep your eyes on the road....🎵
#roadhouseblues #thedoorsband #keepyoureyesontheroad #vehiclewrapping #heyihadtosnapthat #ipulledoverforthis #carsthemovie #hereslookingatyou
Mar 6

🎶 Keep your eyes on the road....🎵
#roadhouseblues #thedoorsband #keepyoureyesontheroad #vehiclewrapping #heyihadtosnapthat #ipulledoverforthis #carsthemovie #hereslookingatyou
🎵 Keep your hand upon the wheel 🎵
#spiritofmassachusetts #takethewheel #ayeayecaptain #kennebunkriver #Kennebunkport #steeringwheel #shipswheel #helm #takethehelm #keepyourhandsuponthewheel #thedoors
Mar 6

🎵 Keep your hand upon the wheel 🎵
#spiritofmassachusetts #takethewheel #ayeayecaptain #kennebunkriver #Kennebunkport #steeringwheel #shipswheel #helm #takethehelm #keepyourhandsuponthewheel #thedoors
Be sure to get to @harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop over in Dover New Hampshire before they close their doors for good after 93 years.
This is a classic old school place for breakfast and lunch and their bakery is right next door for you to get your sweet treats.
#centralavenue #dovernh #harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop #oldschoolrestaurant #grilledhamandcheese #93years #newhampshirefood #dovernewhampshire #newhampshire #breakfastandlunch #letsdolunch #sideofchips #nhmagazine #explore_newhampshire #nhliving #nhfood #explorenh #newhampshirelife
Mar 5

Be sure to get to @harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop over in Dover New Hampshire before they close their doors for good after 93 years.
This is a classic old school place for breakfast and lunch and their bakery is right next door for you to get your sweet treats.
#centralavenue #dovernh #harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop #oldschoolrestaurant #grilledhamandcheese #93years #newhampshirefood #dovernewhampshire #newhampshire #breakfastandlunch #letsdolunch #sideofchips #nhmagazine #explore_newhampshire #nhliving #nhfood #explorenh #newhampshirelife
OK @cindylu_mainelycards , challenge accepted. We both have many many pics of seagulls. Let`s see whatcha got 😀
Ps. I may need more memory in my camera. When I went searching, the amount of photos of this subject was staggering 🙃
#authorizedpersonnelonly #NubbleLighthouse #oldorchardbeach #thepieroob
#ogunquitbeach #campellis #lifesaver #lobsterboat #lobstertraps #myspiritanimal
Mar 4

OK @cindylu_mainelycards , challenge accepted. We both have many many pics of seagulls. Let`s see whatcha got 😀
Ps. I may need more memory in my camera. When I went searching, the amount of photos of this subject was staggering 🙃
#authorizedpersonnelonly #NubbleLighthouse #oldorchardbeach #thepieroob
#ogunquitbeach #campellis #lifesaver #lobsterboat #lobstertraps #myspiritanimal
Attention New England Photographers and Christmas Fans!
Put a visit to Wells Harbor Maine on your Roadtrip List and check out their awesome Buoy Christmas Tree.
It`s up year round and looks great day and night.
#wellsharbor #buoytree #christmasallyear #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear #Maine #maineroadtrip #mainephotographers #mainephotography #newenglandphotography #newenglandphotographers #christmasfans #newenglandchristmas #MaineThing #newengland_igers #newengland_roadtrip
Mar 4

Attention New England Photographers and Christmas Fans!
Put a visit to Wells Harbor Maine on your Roadtrip List and check out their awesome Buoy Christmas Tree.
It`s up year round and looks great day and night.
#wellsharbor #buoytree #christmasallyear #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear #Maine #maineroadtrip #mainephotographers #mainephotography #newenglandphotography #newenglandphotographers #christmasfans #newenglandchristmas #MaineThing #newengland_igers #newengland_roadtrip
Cappuccino Truffles from @coffeeroastersofthekennebunks ?
Yes Please!
#truffletime #cappuccinotime #Kennebunk #coffeeshop #Maine #chocolateforbreakfast #ohyesplease #ohyummy #coffeeroasters #maineroadtrip #reflectioncollection #displaycase
Mar 3

Cappuccino Truffles from @coffeeroastersofthekennebunks ?
Yes Please!
#truffletime #cappuccinotime #Kennebunk #coffeeshop #Maine #chocolateforbreakfast #ohyesplease #ohyummy #coffeeroasters #maineroadtrip #reflectioncollection #displaycase
Have a seat
@identitycoffeeco in Meredith, New Hampshire.
#butfirstcoffee #identitycoffeeco #meredithnh #haveaseat #coffeeshop #newhampshire_roadtrip
Mar 2

Have a seat
@identitycoffeeco in Meredith, New Hampshire.
#butfirstcoffee #identitycoffeeco #meredithnh #haveaseat #coffeeshop #newhampshire_roadtrip
Wishing you a Mellow Yellow kind of day.
#mellowyellow #donavan #safetyvest #carhartt #haveyouneverbeenmellow #trafficsafety #parkingpatrol #besafe #bevisable #reflectivevest #letsreflect #highvisability #carharttworkwear #yescarhartt #melloyello
Mar 2

Wishing you a Mellow Yellow kind of day.
#mellowyellow #donavan #safetyvest #carhartt #haveyouneverbeenmellow #trafficsafety #parkingpatrol #besafe #bevisable #reflectivevest #letsreflect #highvisability #carharttworkwear #yescarhartt #melloyello
Coming in HOT @aproperbakery in Kennebunk.
#hothothot🔥🔥🔥 #boulangerieaproperbakery #gokennebunks #cominginhot #hotsoup #hotbread #hottea #hotchocolate #hotespresso
Mar 1

Coming in HOT @aproperbakery in Kennebunk.
#hothothot🔥🔥🔥 #boulangerieaproperbakery #gokennebunks #cominginhot #hotsoup #hotbread #hottea #hotchocolate #hotespresso
Remembering a Retro Roadtrip to Boston.
I love that dirty water.
#bostonhouseofblues #bostonredsox #lovethatdirtywater #houseofblues #fenwaypark #Boston #bostonrocks #mlbstadiums #takemeouttotheballgame #livetheblues #bigsignhunter #massachusetts_igers #raw_boston #BostonDotCom #IGersBoston25 #MeetBoston #Massachusetts
Feb 27

Remembering a Retro Roadtrip to Boston.
I love that dirty water.
#bostonhouseofblues #bostonredsox #lovethatdirtywater #houseofblues #fenwaypark #Boston #bostonrocks #mlbstadiums #takemeouttotheballgame #livetheblues #bigsignhunter #massachusetts_igers #raw_boston #BostonDotCom #IGersBoston25 #MeetBoston #Massachusetts
Mini Golf Memories with my Nephew.
Wonder Mountain Fun Park. Wells, Maine.
#fununcle #funcle #puttputt #minigolf #wellsmaine #summermemories #mynephew #maineattractions #puttfordough #holeinone #putting #puttinggreen #lineitup #summerfuninmaine #letsplaygolf #par3 #wondermountain #mainegolf #mainesummer #mainememories #thanksforthememories
Feb 26

Mini Golf Memories with my Nephew.
Wonder Mountain Fun Park. Wells, Maine.
#fununcle #funcle #puttputt #minigolf #wellsmaine #summermemories #mynephew #maineattractions #puttfordough #holeinone #putting #puttinggreen #lineitup #summerfuninmaine #letsplaygolf #par3 #wondermountain #mainegolf #mainesummer #mainememories #thanksforthememories
Because I thought you`d like to go to the beach today.
#sandandsun #Maine #Ogunquit #beachphoto #natgeotravelphoto #letsgotothebeach #beachdayeveryday #nothingbutnewengland #VisitMaine #mainebeaches #beachscape #otherworldly #justbecause #southernmaine #hopeyoulikeit
Feb 26

Because I thought you`d like to go to the beach today.
#sandandsun #Maine #Ogunquit #beachphoto #natgeotravelphoto #letsgotothebeach #beachdayeveryday #nothingbutnewengland #VisitMaine #mainebeaches #beachscape #otherworldly #justbecause #southernmaine #hopeyoulikeit
Perhaps it`s time to upgrade my cell phone.
#cellphones #timetoupgrade #outofdate #perhapsperhapsperhaps #pleasehold #whatnumberareyoucalling #dialtone #callme #telephonecase #landline #belltelephone #att #verizon #tmobile #justgottotakethis
Feb 26

Perhaps it`s time to upgrade my cell phone.
#cellphones #timetoupgrade #outofdate #perhapsperhapsperhaps #pleasehold #whatnumberareyoucalling #dialtone #callme #telephonecase #landline #belltelephone #att #verizon #tmobile #justgottotakethis
Tuesdays are 2 for 1 Burgers and fries @goatbarnation !
Oh and Mondays too.
#burgersandfries #DiscoverNewburyport #2for1 #thegoatbar #Massachusetts #whiskeymademedoit #classicfordtruck #whiskeythepeople #burgerday #mondayandtuesday #newburyport #visitmassachusetts #northshoremass #newburyportma #themoodyblues #tuesdayafternoon
Feb 25

Tuesdays are 2 for 1 Burgers and fries @goatbarnation !
Oh and Mondays too.
#burgersandfries #DiscoverNewburyport #2for1 #thegoatbar #Massachusetts #whiskeymademedoit #classicfordtruck #whiskeythepeople #burgerday #mondayandtuesday #newburyport #visitmassachusetts #northshoremass #newburyportma #themoodyblues #tuesdayafternoon
As Spring Training is upon us, here`s your reminder to swing for the fences, from The Player To Be Named Later.
#putmeincoach #centerfield #coloradorockies #coorsfield #swingforthefences #theplayertobenamedlater #springtraining #homerun #letsplaytwo #homeplate #battinggloves #baseballplayer #stepuptotheplate #benchwarmer
Feb 25

As Spring Training is upon us, here`s your reminder to swing for the fences, from The Player To Be Named Later.
#putmeincoach #centerfield #coloradorockies #coorsfield #swingforthefences #theplayertobenamedlater #springtraining #homerun #letsplaytwo #homeplate #battinggloves #baseballplayer #stepuptotheplate #benchwarmer
This is the way the salt formed in the parking lot today.
Coincidence? I think not.
#sharethelove #iheartmaine #drivewaysalt #allyouneedislove #lovemaine #loveisallyouneed #visionsoflove #lovelovelove #whattheworldneedsnow #saltoftheearth #parkinglot
Feb 24

This is the way the salt formed in the parking lot today.
Coincidence? I think not.
#sharethelove #iheartmaine #drivewaysalt #allyouneedislove #lovemaine #loveisallyouneed #visionsoflove #lovelovelove #whattheworldneedsnow #saltoftheearth #parkinglot
Greetings from Wells Beach Maine.
#makingasplash #beautifulwellsmaine #MaineThing #nothingbutnewengland #ontherocks #splashmaine #beachsplash #mainesplash #greetingsfrommaine #onthecoast #coastofmaine #mainecoast #wellsbeach #splashtime #makingwaves #atlanticocean #rockycoast
Feb 23

Greetings from Wells Beach Maine.
#makingasplash #beautifulwellsmaine #MaineThing #nothingbutnewengland #ontherocks #splashmaine #beachsplash #mainesplash #greetingsfrommaine #onthecoast #coastofmaine #mainecoast #wellsbeach #splashtime #makingwaves #atlanticocean #rockycoast
Have you heard about @renysamaineadventure Passport Program?
Get a stamp when you visit each of the Renys Maine stores.
Get 9 stamps and win a Renys gift card and Renys chocolate bar.
Get 18 stamps and win The Grand Prize and a place on the Renys Hall of Fame Board!
So Get Ready to Shop Like You Maine It!
#renyspassport #amaineadventure #shoplikeyoumaineit #Maine #renysamaineadventure #VisitMaine #halloffame #grandprize #iloverenys #downeastbestofmaine #bestbargain #Wells #saco #Portland #topsham #Camden #ellsworth #bangor #dextermaine #madisonmaine #belfastmaine #bathmaine #bridgtonmaine #gardinermaine #pittsfieldmaine #windhammaine #collectthemall #lettheadventurebegin
Feb 22

Have you heard about @renysamaineadventure Passport Program?
Get a stamp when you visit each of the Renys Maine stores.
Get 9 stamps and win a Renys gift card and Renys chocolate bar.
Get 18 stamps and win The Grand Prize and a place on the Renys Hall of Fame Board!
So Get Ready to Shop Like You Maine It!
#renyspassport #amaineadventure #shoplikeyoumaineit #Maine #renysamaineadventure #VisitMaine #halloffame #grandprize #iloverenys #downeastbestofmaine #bestbargain #Wells #saco #Portland #topsham #Camden #ellsworth #bangor #dextermaine #madisonmaine #belfastmaine #bathmaine #bridgtonmaine #gardinermaine #pittsfieldmaine #windhammaine #collectthemall #lettheadventurebegin
It was Totally Awesome seeing @80s_music_maine Friday night @milltownetavern!
If you ❤️ The 80s give them a follow and be sure to check them out when they come to your town.
And Get Ready To Get Tubular!
#girlsjustwannahavefun #cindylauper #80stributeband #iheartthe80s #milltownetavern #80snight #totallytubular #totally80s #totallyawesome80s #wegotthebeat #thegogos
Feb 22

It was Totally Awesome seeing @80s_music_maine Friday night @milltownetavern!
If you ❤️ The 80s give them a follow and be sure to check them out when they come to your town.
And Get Ready To Get Tubular!
#girlsjustwannahavefun #cindylauper #80stributeband #iheartthe80s #milltownetavern #80snight #totallytubular #totally80s #totallyawesome80s #wegotthebeat #thegogos
Do you know a radio or a podcast host? Ask them if they`d like to have a dynamic and vibrant speaker on their show. Or me.
#donnasummer #ontheradio #spiritofradio #podcastguest #podcasthost #ontheair #aroundthedial #fmradio #amradio #amfm #overtheairwaves #microphones #dynamicspeaker #radiohost #podcastguest #getvibrant #pleasestandby #reeltoreeltape #hifidelity #check12
Feb 20

Do you know a radio or a podcast host? Ask them if they`d like to have a dynamic and vibrant speaker on their show. Or me.
#donnasummer #ontheradio #spiritofradio #podcastguest #podcasthost #ontheair #aroundthedial #fmradio #amradio #amfm #overtheairwaves #microphones #dynamicspeaker #radiohost #podcastguest #getvibrant #pleasestandby #reeltoreeltape #hifidelity #check12
And No Smiling
#absolutely #nostanding #upstanding #nowaiting #nosmiling #unattended #towzone #noparking #nofun #nowonder #oopsididitagain #retroroadtrip #theresnostoppingus
Feb 20

And No Smiling
#absolutely #nostanding #upstanding #nowaiting #nosmiling #unattended #towzone #noparking #nofun #nowonder #oopsididitagain #retroroadtrip #theresnostoppingus
Thank you to everyone who came out to the @groovesocietykbk dance last week.
We raised money for @tommymcnamaracf and really got Jiggy Wit It.
Can`t wait to see you all again very soon.
#valentinesdaydance #everybodydancenow #candcmusicfactory #gonnamakeyousweat #getjiggywithit #groovybaby #fundraiserdance #dancefundraiser #danceallnight #tommymcnamara #dancedancedance
Feb 19

Thank you to everyone who came out to the @groovesocietykbk dance last week.
We raised money for @tommymcnamaracf and really got Jiggy Wit It.
Can`t wait to see you all again very soon.
#valentinesdaydance #everybodydancenow #candcmusicfactory #gonnamakeyousweat #getjiggywithit #groovybaby #fundraiserdance #dancefundraiser #danceallnight #tommymcnamara #dancedancedance
This picture makes me happy.
Congratulations to my wonderful cousin and her wonderful husband.
Thank you for letting me share in your special day ❤️
#weddingdayphoto #happyfaces #cousinswedding #happycouple #newjerseywedding #smilingfaces #newjerseyrocks #comeandgetyourlove #NewJersey
Feb 19

This picture makes me happy.
Congratulations to my wonderful cousin and her wonderful husband.
Thank you for letting me share in your special day ❤️
#weddingdayphoto #happyfaces #cousinswedding #happycouple #newjerseywedding #smilingfaces #newjerseyrocks #comeandgetyourlove #NewJersey
Trying to warm things up by sharing one of my favorite pics.
I took this in the summer of 2019 looking down on the bullpen during a visit to Coors Field in Denver, Colorado.
Hope you like it.
#warmups #coorsfield #mlbstadiums #bullpen #pitchers #throwingstrikes #onthemound #mlbpitcher #raw_sports #Denver #mlbbaseball #summerof2019 #baseballisalmosthere #pregame #goingtotheshow #houstonastros #triptodenver #visitdenver #themilehighcity
Feb 18

Trying to warm things up by sharing one of my favorite pics.
I took this in the summer of 2019 looking down on the bullpen during a visit to Coors Field in Denver, Colorado.
Hope you like it.
#warmups #coorsfield #mlbstadiums #bullpen #pitchers #throwingstrikes #onthemound #mlbpitcher #raw_sports #Denver #mlbbaseball #summerof2019 #baseballisalmosthere #pregame #goingtotheshow #houstonastros #triptodenver #visitdenver #themilehighcity
Yeah, this ain`t Las Vegas.
And yes, that`s one of my rugs.
#Timberland #Maine #elvistheking #vivalasvegas #whathappensinmaine #afterthestorm #parkstreetshuffle #fabulouslasvegas #welcometomaine #welcometolasvegas #timberlandboots #snowboots #deepsnow #slotmachine #welcomemat
Feb 17

Yeah, this ain`t Las Vegas.
And yes, that`s one of my rugs.
#Timberland #Maine #elvistheking #vivalasvegas #whathappensinmaine #afterthestorm #parkstreetshuffle #fabulouslasvegas #welcometomaine #welcometolasvegas #timberlandboots #snowboots #deepsnow #slotmachine #welcomemat
Getting Diggy With It here in Maine after the snowstorm. Can You Dig It?
#snowshoveling #mainewinter #canudigit #icandigit #gettingdiggywithit #licenseplate #canyoudigit #snowstorms #moresnow #snowproblem #Maine #weatherchannel
Feb 17

Getting Diggy With It here in Maine after the snowstorm. Can You Dig It?
#snowshoveling #mainewinter #canudigit #icandigit #gettingdiggywithit #licenseplate #canyoudigit #snowstorms #moresnow #snowproblem #Maine #weatherchannel
Only a real Knucklehead would venture out during the biggest storm of the season just to take some photos. So I did.
#scalawags_pet_boutique #docksquare #snowdaypics #Kennebunkport #snowpile #CapePorpoise #coppercandle #stonechapel #oceanavenue #stormwaves #knuckleheads #snowboat #bigwave #Maine #soidid #snowstormphotography #mainesnowstorm #mainewinter #Kennebunkport #itsnowproblem
Feb 17

Only a real Knucklehead would venture out during the biggest storm of the season just to take some photos. So I did.
#scalawags_pet_boutique #docksquare #snowdaypics #Kennebunkport #snowpile #CapePorpoise #coppercandle #stonechapel #oceanavenue #stormwaves #knuckleheads #snowboat #bigwave #Maine #soidid #snowstormphotography #mainesnowstorm #mainewinter #Kennebunkport #itsnowproblem
Dad was the Artist in Residence during an old fashioned talent show in Cape Porpoise Saturday night (which was a lot of fun) and made this great piece of art during(!) the show 😀
Is this guy amazing or what!?!?
#mydadisamazing #CapePorpoise #artistinresidence #dadsgottalent #lighthouseart #artistinprogress #atlantichall #talentshow #showyourtalent #afterandbefore
Feb 16

Dad was the Artist in Residence during an old fashioned talent show in Cape Porpoise Saturday night (which was a lot of fun) and made this great piece of art during(!) the show 😀
Is this guy amazing or what!?!?
#mydadisamazing #CapePorpoise #artistinresidence #dadsgottalent #lighthouseart #artistinprogress #atlantichall #talentshow #showyourtalent #afterandbefore
Gravity. It`s the Law.
Wells, Maine.
#beautifulwellsmaine #wellsmaine #fallinginloveagain #babybaby #lawofgravity #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #signofthetimes #lovesigns #signlove #chamberofcommerce #loveinformation #fallingforgravity
Feb 14

Gravity. It`s the Law.
Wells, Maine.
#beautifulwellsmaine #wellsmaine #fallinginloveagain #babybaby #lawofgravity #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #signofthetimes #lovesigns #signlove #chamberofcommerce #loveinformation #fallingforgravity
Because Nuthin` Sez Lovin` Like Something From Da Oven.
#bakingbread #mysecretrecipe #fromtheoven #beerbatterbread #bakingwithbeer #snowdayactivities #domesticgod #joinmeinthekitchen #freshfromtheoven
Feb 13

Because Nuthin` Sez Lovin` Like Something From Da Oven.
#bakingbread #mysecretrecipe #fromtheoven #beerbatterbread #bakingwithbeer #snowdayactivities #domesticgod #joinmeinthekitchen #freshfromtheoven
Hey! Let`s be careful out there.
#hillstreetblues #letsbecarefuloutthere #besafeoutthere #licenseplateoftheday #Maine #Vacationland #safetravels #andhey #besafebeyourself #theweatherchannel #snowandsleet #Nissan
Feb 13

Hey! Let`s be careful out there.
#hillstreetblues #letsbecarefuloutthere #besafeoutthere #licenseplateoftheday #Maine #Vacationland #safetravels #andhey #besafebeyourself #theweatherchannel #snowandsleet #Nissan
Shake Your Groove Thing for a good cause Friday February 14th from 7pm to 10pm at The South Congregational Church`s Community Center on Temple Street in Kennebunkport (it`s across from the Post Office)
You will be supporting the @tommymcnamaracf
when you are cutting the rug at the Grooviest Valentine`s Dance. Ever.
So Get Ready To Get Groovy ✌️
#getyourgrooveon #groovybaby #valentinesdaydance #gokennebunks #Kennebunkport #fridaythe14th #shakeyourgroovething #peachesandherb #cuttingtherug
Feb 12

Shake Your Groove Thing for a good cause Friday February 14th from 7pm to 10pm at The South Congregational Church`s Community Center on Temple Street in Kennebunkport (it`s across from the Post Office)
You will be supporting the @tommymcnamaracf
when you are cutting the rug at the Grooviest Valentine`s Dance. Ever.
So Get Ready To Get Groovy ✌️
#getyourgrooveon #groovybaby #valentinesdaydance #gokennebunks #Kennebunkport #fridaythe14th #shakeyourgroovething #peachesandherb #cuttingtherug
Remembering Summertime in Old Orchid Beach, Maine.
#doyouremember #timeofyourlife #thetimesofyourlife #oldorchardbeach #paulanka #OOB #beachmemories #mainememories #summermemories #summertimememories #memoriesyouleftbehind #mainesummers #surfandsand #sandandsky #sandandsurf #surfandskate #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeaches #nothingbutnewengland #ferriswheel #NBNMustSee
Feb 11

Remembering Summertime in Old Orchid Beach, Maine.
#doyouremember #timeofyourlife #thetimesofyourlife #oldorchardbeach #paulanka #OOB #beachmemories #mainememories #summermemories #summertimememories #memoriesyouleftbehind #mainesummers #surfandsand #sandandsky #sandandsurf #surfandskate #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeaches #nothingbutnewengland #ferriswheel #NBNMustSee
Simply Reflecting on a visit to Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
#bestreflection #reflectioncollection #perkinscove #boatreflection #reflectingonmytravels #raw_reflection #bestofthepinetreestate #nothingbutnewengland #justreflecting #Ogunquit #vacationmemories #Maine #dinghy #maineart #maineartist #likeapainting
Feb 11

Simply Reflecting on a visit to Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
#bestreflection #reflectioncollection #perkinscove #boatreflection #reflectingonmytravels #raw_reflection #bestofthepinetreestate #nothingbutnewengland #justreflecting #Ogunquit #vacationmemories #Maine #dinghy #maineart #maineartist #likeapainting
I just don`t feel like I`ve been working out enough so far this year...
#letsgoshopping #shoparound #ineedtoexercise #workoutinspo #shopshopshop #borntoshop #shoppingismyhappyplace #shoppingismycardio #ineedtoworkout #shoptillyoudrop
Feb 10

I just don`t feel like I`ve been working out enough so far this year...
#letsgoshopping #shoparound #ineedtoexercise #workoutinspo #shopshopshop #borntoshop #shoppingismyhappyplace #shoppingismycardio #ineedtoworkout #shoptillyoudrop
Your current weather conditions here in Maine
#winterweather #theweatherchannel #winterstormwarning #mainewinter #mainesnowstorm #currentweather #weatherconditions #vivaldi #antoniovivaldi #vivaldithefourseasons #baroquecomposer #baroquemusic #Maine #goodmorningmaine
Feb 9

Your current weather conditions here in Maine
#winterweather #theweatherchannel #winterstormwarning #mainewinter #mainesnowstorm #currentweather #weatherconditions #vivaldi #antoniovivaldi #vivaldithefourseasons #baroquecomposer #baroquemusic #Maine #goodmorningmaine