Joshua Hrehovcik, photographer and writer, likes to take long rides and lots of photographs. He is currently in a contest to get more Instagram followers than his brother – and is losing. Badly. You can help Josh by following him on Instagram @retroroadtripper65
The Brothers Instagram Followers Contest Scoreboard
@retroroadtripper65: 3,908
@noahstjohn: 45,900
Take a colorful journey to some of the most wonderful places in New England through the eyes of photographer and not bad selling author Joshua Hrehovcik, The Retro Roadtripper.
Part travel guide, part photo album, The Retro Roadtrip Series visits some of the best-known vacation spots in this special part of the world as well as uncovers hidden gems known only to the locals.
So let’s hit the road with The Retro Roadtripper.
Books! Books! Get your Books Here!
A “Famous” Photographer visits historic Goodall Park, Sanford Maine.
Josh Hrehovcik, The Retro Roadtripper, visits historic Goodall Park, home of Sanford Mainers Baseball in Sanford, Maine.
Fun Fact: Goodall Park first opened in 1915 and was the last ballpark that Babe Ruth hit a home run in wearing a Boston Red Sox uniform.
Fun Fact 2: Josh isn’t famous
Josh is currently in a contest to get more Instagram followers than his brother – and is losing. Badly.
You can help Josh by following him on Instagram @retroroadtripper65
Gravity. It`s the Law.
Wells, Maine.
#beautifulwellsmaine #wellsmaine #fallinginloveagain #babybaby #lawofgravity #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #signofthetimes #lovesigns #signlove #chamberofcommerce #loveinformation #fallingforgravity
Feb 14

Gravity. It`s the Law.
Wells, Maine.
#beautifulwellsmaine #wellsmaine #fallinginloveagain #babybaby #lawofgravity #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #signofthetimes #lovesigns #signlove #chamberofcommerce #loveinformation #fallingforgravity
Because Nuthin` Sez Lovin` Like Something From Da Oven.
#bakingbread #mysecretrecipe #fromtheoven #beerbatterbread #bakingwithbeer #snowdayactivities #domesticgod #joinmeinthekitchen #freshfromtheoven
Feb 13

Because Nuthin` Sez Lovin` Like Something From Da Oven.
#bakingbread #mysecretrecipe #fromtheoven #beerbatterbread #bakingwithbeer #snowdayactivities #domesticgod #joinmeinthekitchen #freshfromtheoven
Hey! Let`s be careful out there.
#hillstreetblues #letsbecarefuloutthere #besafeoutthere #licenseplateoftheday #Maine #Vacationland #safetravels #andhey #besafebeyourself #theweatherchannel #snowandsleet #Nissan
Feb 13

Hey! Let`s be careful out there.
#hillstreetblues #letsbecarefuloutthere #besafeoutthere #licenseplateoftheday #Maine #Vacationland #safetravels #andhey #besafebeyourself #theweatherchannel #snowandsleet #Nissan
Shake Your Groove Thing for a good cause Friday February 14th from 7pm to 10pm at The South Congregational Church`s Community Center on Temple Street in Kennebunkport (it`s across from the Post Office)
You will be supporting the @tommymcnamaracf
when you are cutting the rug at the Grooviest Valentine`s Dance. Ever.
So Get Ready To Get Groovy ✌️
#getyourgrooveon #groovybaby #valentinesdaydance #gokennebunks #Kennebunkport #fridaythe14th #shakeyourgroovething #peachesandherb #cuttingtherug
Feb 12

Shake Your Groove Thing for a good cause Friday February 14th from 7pm to 10pm at The South Congregational Church`s Community Center on Temple Street in Kennebunkport (it`s across from the Post Office)
You will be supporting the @tommymcnamaracf
when you are cutting the rug at the Grooviest Valentine`s Dance. Ever.
So Get Ready To Get Groovy ✌️
#getyourgrooveon #groovybaby #valentinesdaydance #gokennebunks #Kennebunkport #fridaythe14th #shakeyourgroovething #peachesandherb #cuttingtherug
Remembering Summertime in Old Orchid Beach, Maine.
#doyouremember #timeofyourlife #thetimesofyourlife #oldorchardbeach #paulanka #OOB #beachmemories #mainememories #summermemories #summertimememories #memoriesyouleftbehind #mainesummers #surfandsand #sandandsky #sandandsurf #surfandskate #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeaches #nothingbutnewengland #ferriswheel #NBNMustSee
Feb 11

Remembering Summertime in Old Orchid Beach, Maine.
#doyouremember #timeofyourlife #thetimesofyourlife #oldorchardbeach #paulanka #OOB #beachmemories #mainememories #summermemories #summertimememories #memoriesyouleftbehind #mainesummers #surfandsand #sandandsky #sandandsurf #surfandskate #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeaches #nothingbutnewengland #ferriswheel #NBNMustSee
Simply Reflecting on a visit to Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
#bestreflection #reflectioncollection #perkinscove #boatreflection #reflectingonmytravels #raw_reflection #bestofthepinetreestate #nothingbutnewengland #justreflecting #Ogunquit #vacationmemories #Maine #dinghy #maineart #maineartist #likeapainting
Feb 11

Simply Reflecting on a visit to Perkins Cove in Ogunquit Maine.
#bestreflection #reflectioncollection #perkinscove #boatreflection #reflectingonmytravels #raw_reflection #bestofthepinetreestate #nothingbutnewengland #justreflecting #Ogunquit #vacationmemories #Maine #dinghy #maineart #maineartist #likeapainting
I just don`t feel like I`ve been working out enough so far this year...
#letsgoshopping #shoparound #ineedtoexercise #workoutinspo #shopshopshop #borntoshop #shoppingismyhappyplace #shoppingismycardio #ineedtoworkout #shoptillyoudrop
Feb 10

I just don`t feel like I`ve been working out enough so far this year...
#letsgoshopping #shoparound #ineedtoexercise #workoutinspo #shopshopshop #borntoshop #shoppingismyhappyplace #shoppingismycardio #ineedtoworkout #shoptillyoudrop
Your current weather conditions here in Maine
#winterweather #theweatherchannel #winterstormwarning #mainewinter #mainesnowstorm #currentweather #weatherconditions #vivaldi #antoniovivaldi #vivaldithefourseasons #baroquecomposer #baroquemusic #Maine #goodmorningmaine
Feb 9

Your current weather conditions here in Maine
#winterweather #theweatherchannel #winterstormwarning #mainewinter #mainesnowstorm #currentweather #weatherconditions #vivaldi #antoniovivaldi #vivaldithefourseasons #baroquecomposer #baroquemusic #Maine #goodmorningmaine
Wishing you a Happy 207 Day from The Great State of Maine.
#maineday #MaineThing #MaineSqueeze #maineismyhappyplace #portlandheadlight #llbean #beanboots #lobsterrolls #thenonantumresort #Vacationland #tasteofmaine #mainelobstermen #lobsterboats #goodvibesalways #freeportmaine #wellsbeach #pinetreestate #207day #maine207 #maineareacode #areacode #greetingsfrommaine #perkinscove
Feb 7

Wishing you a Happy 207 Day from The Great State of Maine.
#maineday #MaineThing #MaineSqueeze #maineismyhappyplace #portlandheadlight #llbean #beanboots #lobsterrolls #thenonantumresort #Vacationland #tasteofmaine #mainelobstermen #lobsterboats #goodvibesalways #freeportmaine #wellsbeach #pinetreestate #207day #maine207 #maineareacode #areacode #greetingsfrommaine #perkinscove
It`s Official!
I want you to have a Superb Day.
#uponfurtherreview #referee #yellowflag #mondaynightfootball #thursdaynightfootball #gotothebooth #itsofficial #4thdown #footballreferee #superbday #meninstripes #umpire #downjudge #linejudge #fieldjudge #sidejudge #backjudge #penaltyontheplay #nflhighlights #firstdown #calltimeout #blowthewhistle ##areyoureadyforsomefootball #footballyoubet
Feb 6

It`s Official!
I want you to have a Superb Day.
#uponfurtherreview #referee #yellowflag #mondaynightfootball #thursdaynightfootball #gotothebooth #itsofficial #4thdown #footballreferee #superbday #meninstripes #umpire #downjudge #linejudge #fieldjudge #sidejudge #backjudge #penaltyontheplay #nflhighlights #firstdown #calltimeout #blowthewhistle ##areyoureadyforsomefootball #footballyoubet
They take their parking seriously @graveslib in Kennebunkport Maine.
Don`t get booked.
#readabooktoday #librarylove #LoveKpt #kportnow #parkingrulesapplied #Kennebunkport #gokennebunks #libraries #mainelibraries #newenglandlibraryassociation #gotbooked #dontparkhere #dontgetbooked #booklovers
Feb 6

They take their parking seriously @graveslib in Kennebunkport Maine.
Don`t get booked.
#readabooktoday #librarylove #LoveKpt #kportnow #parkingrulesapplied #Kennebunkport #gokennebunks #libraries #mainelibraries #newenglandlibraryassociation #gotbooked #dontparkhere #dontgetbooked #booklovers
Wishing you a good night from Footbridge Beach in Ogunquit Maine.
#takeittothebridge #footbridge #Ogunquit #footbridgebeach #goodnightmaine #bridgelights #raw_bridges #bridgesoftheworld #buildbridgesnotbarriers #wishingyouagoodnight #ogunquitmaine #visitogunquit #ogunquitchamber
Feb 6

Wishing you a good night from Footbridge Beach in Ogunquit Maine.
#takeittothebridge #footbridge #Ogunquit #footbridgebeach #goodnightmaine #bridgelights #raw_bridges #bridgesoftheworld #buildbridgesnotbarriers #wishingyouagoodnight #ogunquitmaine #visitogunquit #ogunquitchamber
Stay Strong. Eat Pizza.
#morepizzaplease #oneweak #7days #Sanford #staystong #eatpizza #pizzaeveryday #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #roadsigns #seenontheroad #pizzaloversunite
Feb 4

Stay Strong. Eat Pizza.
#morepizzaplease #oneweak #7days #Sanford #staystong #eatpizza #pizzaeveryday #ipulledoverforthis #heyihadtosnapthat #roadsigns #seenontheroad #pizzaloversunite
Makin` a (little) splash at The Pier in Old Orchard Beach Maine.
#raw_piersharbours_summer #oobpier #makeasplash #oldorchardbeachmaine #oldorchardbeachpier #winterphotos #thepieroob #OOB #winterbeachdays #underthepier #hurricanesrawbar #littlesplash #makingasplash
Feb 3

Makin` a (little) splash at The Pier in Old Orchard Beach Maine.
#raw_piersharbours_summer #oobpier #makeasplash #oldorchardbeachmaine #oldorchardbeachpier #winterphotos #thepieroob #OOB #winterbeachdays #underthepier #hurricanesrawbar #littlesplash #makingasplash
I am almost certain this guy is authorized.
Old Orchard Beach, Maine.
#authorized #oldorchardbeach #myspiritanimal #OOB #bestofthepinetreestate #bestofmaine #mainephotography #hereslookingatyou #yearround #almostcertain #prettysure #nothingbutnewengland #seagullwatch #natgeomyshot #instagood #picoftheday #instagood
Feb 2

I am almost certain this guy is authorized.
Old Orchard Beach, Maine.
#authorized #oldorchardbeach #myspiritanimal #OOB #bestofthepinetreestate #bestofmaine #mainephotography #hereslookingatyou #yearround #almostcertain #prettysure #nothingbutnewengland #seagullwatch #natgeomyshot #instagood #picoftheday #instagood
Warm up this winter with a visit to The Gondola Bar @kennebunkportinn and get ready to get cozy.
#Kennebunkport #gondolabar #kennebunkportinn #theburleigh #cozywinter #skigondola #gondoladining #VisitMaine #MaineThing #getcozy #warmupthiswinter #reservationsrequired #privatedining #mainewinter #kennebunkportwinter #kport #apreski
Feb 2

Warm up this winter with a visit to The Gondola Bar @kennebunkportinn and get ready to get cozy.
#Kennebunkport #gondolabar #kennebunkportinn #theburleigh #cozywinter #skigondola #gondoladining #VisitMaine #MaineThing #getcozy #warmupthiswinter #reservationsrequired #privatedining #mainewinter #kennebunkportwinter #kport #apreski
Getting Wild with a Cheeseburger in Paradise @wildwillysrochester !
Ps. Open 7 days.
Pps. Don`t Get the Boot - Be Nice
#jimmybuffett #wildwillysburgers #chesseburger #halfsourpickles #cheeseburgerinparadise #notfastfood #rochesternh #votednumber1 #dontgettheboot #benice #ilikeminewithlettuceandtomato #getwild #wildwillys #nhbest #WildWillysWay #nhfoodie #itsgettingwild #wildthing
Feb 2

Getting Wild with a Cheeseburger in Paradise @wildwillysrochester !
Ps. Open 7 days.
Pps. Don`t Get the Boot - Be Nice
#jimmybuffett #wildwillysburgers #chesseburger #halfsourpickles #cheeseburgerinparadise #notfastfood #rochesternh #votednumber1 #dontgettheboot #benice #ilikeminewithlettuceandtomato #getwild #wildwillys #nhbest #WildWillysWay #nhfoodie #itsgettingwild #wildthing
Is the reason my little Christmas tree is still up:
A: It`s cute
2: The batteries still work
III: It fits with my decor
E: I`m lazy
Z: All of the above
I`ll draw a name from everyone who an leaves answer in the comments and if it`s YOU you will receive an autographed copy of our Retro Roadtrip: Winter in Southern Maine (and a bit of New Hampshire) book!
(Unless of course you`d like something more valuable and I`ll send you an unautographed copy of our Retro Roadtrip book)
#littlechristmastree #christmasallyear #RetroRoadtrip #winterinsouthernmaine #abitofnewhampshire #winthisbook #autographedbook #morevaluable #unautographed #multiplechoice #mainebooks #maineauthor #mainechristmas
Feb 1

Is the reason my little Christmas tree is still up:
A: It`s cute
2: The batteries still work
III: It fits with my decor
E: I`m lazy
Z: All of the above
I`ll draw a name from everyone who an leaves answer in the comments and if it`s YOU you will receive an autographed copy of our Retro Roadtrip: Winter in Southern Maine (and a bit of New Hampshire) book!
(Unless of course you`d like something more valuable and I`ll send you an unautographed copy of our Retro Roadtrip book)
#littlechristmastree #christmasallyear #RetroRoadtrip #winterinsouthernmaine #abitofnewhampshire #winthisbook #autographedbook #morevaluable #unautographed #multiplechoice #mainebooks #maineauthor #mainechristmas
They take parking seriously on North Street...
#noparking #northstreet #Kennebunkport #gokennebunks #churchparkinglot #thoushallnot #eleventhcommandment #letsgetserious #funnysignsfriday
Jan 31

They take parking seriously on North Street...
#noparking #northstreet #Kennebunkport #gokennebunks #churchparkinglot #thoushallnot #eleventhcommandment #letsgetserious #funnysignsfriday
Yeah, it`s cold out today.
#coldcoldcold #iceicebaby #builtfordtough #fordtruck #mainewinter #newenglandwinter #frontgrill #itscoldouthere #bundleup #icicles #chillyoutside #windchill #maineweather
Jan 30

Yeah, it`s cold out today.
#coldcoldcold #iceicebaby #builtfordtough #fordtruck #mainewinter #newenglandwinter #frontgrill #itscoldouthere #bundleup #icicles #chillyoutside #windchill #maineweather
It`s the Loch Ness.... Snowman?!?
#snownose #snowdaygreetings #lochnessmonster #abominalsnowman #winterphotoshoot #winterwalk #playgroundvibes #thenoseknows #gokennebunks
Jan 29

It`s the Loch Ness.... Snowman?!?
#snownose #snowdaygreetings #lochnessmonster #abominalsnowman #winterphotoshoot #winterwalk #playgroundvibes #thenoseknows #gokennebunks
Thank you @tastykake !!!
What a great way to start the year!
Ps. Yes, I`m in Maine. The Endless Summer print is a momento from a Retro Roadtrip to wonderful Wildwood New Jersey.
#everyonesawinner #hotchocolate #tastykake #winnerwinner #startthenewyearright #endlesssummer #wildwoodnj #itsashorething #favoritesweatshirt #tastykakefavorites #Maine #NewJersey #RetroRoadtrip #youreawinner #vacationsouvenir
Jan 28

Thank you @tastykake !!!
What a great way to start the year!
Ps. Yes, I`m in Maine. The Endless Summer print is a momento from a Retro Roadtrip to wonderful Wildwood New Jersey.
#everyonesawinner #hotchocolate #tastykake #winnerwinner #startthenewyearright #endlesssummer #wildwoodnj #itsashorething #favoritesweatshirt #tastykakefavorites #Maine #NewJersey #RetroRoadtrip #youreawinner #vacationsouvenir
Did you know there is a Winnie the Pooh Trail in Barrington New Hampshire?
Here`s some pics from an October visit. It`s an easy hike with many unique stops and signs along the way.
Oh and the parking is free.
#newhampshirehikes #hikenh #barringtonnh #winniethepoohtrail #thetaoofpooh #goodwillconservationarea #christopherrobin #woozle #poohshouse #hikesforkids #kidsatheart #aamilne #VisitNH #easyhikes #newenglandhiking #newhampshirehiking #octobermemories #freeparking
Jan 27

Did you know there is a Winnie the Pooh Trail in Barrington New Hampshire?
Here`s some pics from an October visit. It`s an easy hike with many unique stops and signs along the way.
Oh and the parking is free.
#newhampshirehikes #hikenh #barringtonnh #winniethepoohtrail #thetaoofpooh #goodwillconservationarea #christopherrobin #woozle #poohshouse #hikesforkids #kidsatheart #aamilne #VisitNH #easyhikes #newenglandhiking #newhampshirehiking #octobermemories #freeparking
The Nerd Herd had a special guest at our Breakfast Summit @roundaboutdiner
The One and Only Dad Hrehovcik!
#theboysarebackintown #thinlizzy #breakfastwithdad #thenerdherd #nerdherd #breakfastsummit #roundaboutdiner #portsmouthnh #specialguest #cheerstoyou #hidad #smilesallaround
Jan 27

The Nerd Herd had a special guest at our Breakfast Summit @roundaboutdiner
The One and Only Dad Hrehovcik!
#theboysarebackintown #thinlizzy #breakfastwithdad #thenerdherd #nerdherd #breakfastsummit #roundaboutdiner #portsmouthnh #specialguest #cheerstoyou #hidad #smilesallaround
Visit @blue_doorgallery in York Maine and see the fantastic artwork by my very talented friend Robin Swennes.
The exhibition goes until March 30th.
Ps. While I`m a big fan of Popsicles, I think the cows are my favorite.
#yorkmaine #maineart #bluedoorgallery #mytalentedfriend #popsicleart #newenglandartgallery #maineartgallery #perspectives #artexhibitions #march30th #ilikecows
Jan 26

Visit @blue_doorgallery in York Maine and see the fantastic artwork by my very talented friend Robin Swennes.
The exhibition goes until March 30th.
Ps. While I`m a big fan of Popsicles, I think the cows are my favorite.
#yorkmaine #maineart #bluedoorgallery #mytalentedfriend #popsicleart #newenglandartgallery #maineartgallery #perspectives #artexhibitions #march30th #ilikecows
Greetings from @whenpigsflypizzeria in Kittery, Maine.
Ps. Wednesday night is $10 pizza night. 4pm to 8pm
#pizzanight #margheritapizza #kittery #whenpigsfly #saturdaynightpizza #wednesdaypizzanight #10bucks #maineeats #mainefoods #4to8 #artisanpizza #yorkcounty #southermaine #kitterymaine #pigsfly
Jan 25

Greetings from @whenpigsflypizzeria in Kittery, Maine.
Ps. Wednesday night is $10 pizza night. 4pm to 8pm
#pizzanight #margheritapizza #kittery #whenpigsfly #saturdaynightpizza #wednesdaypizzanight #10bucks #maineeats #mainefoods #4to8 #artisanpizza #yorkcounty #southermaine #kitterymaine #pigsfly
Love Is in the Air at the Cape Porpoise Valentines Lobster Trap Tree.
Stop by and check out the custom painted hearts by talented local artists like @cindylu_mainelycards and my Dad.
#loveisintheair❤️ #CapePorpoise #paintthetownred #gokennebunks #lovemaine #iheartmaine #lobstertraps #ohbuoy #LoveKPT #lovecapeporpoise #hugsandkisses #mainelobster #VisitMaine #MaineThing #loveisintheair #johnpaulyoung #lighthouselove #capeporpoisemaine #iheartyou #kportlove
Jan 25

Love Is in the Air at the Cape Porpoise Valentines Lobster Trap Tree.
Stop by and check out the custom painted hearts by talented local artists like @cindylu_mainelycards and my Dad.
#loveisintheair❤️ #CapePorpoise #paintthetownred #gokennebunks #lovemaine #iheartmaine #lobstertraps #ohbuoy #LoveKPT #lovecapeporpoise #hugsandkisses #mainelobster #VisitMaine #MaineThing #loveisintheair #johnpaulyoung #lighthouselove #capeporpoisemaine #iheartyou #kportlove
The newest addition to our Late Night Pit Stop Collection.
From the Kennebunk Service Plaza on The Maine Turnpike.
#citgo #diesellife #maineturnpike #Kennebunk #fillerup #latenightroadtrip #latenightphotography #gasandgo #roadtripphotography #neonnights #thenighttimeistherighttime #travelplaza #gaspumps #seenontheroad #pitstops #latenightpitstop #itsthepits #inthepits #northbound #headingnorth
Jan 24

The newest addition to our Late Night Pit Stop Collection.
From the Kennebunk Service Plaza on The Maine Turnpike.
#citgo #diesellife #maineturnpike #Kennebunk #fillerup #latenightroadtrip #latenightphotography #gasandgo #roadtripphotography #neonnights #thenighttimeistherighttime #travelplaza #gaspumps #seenontheroad #pitstops #latenightpitstop #itsthepits #inthepits #northbound #headingnorth
Got a Snow Event here in New England. Hope you have plenty of good books. And a comfy chair.
#sheafestreetbooks #Portsmouth #comfychair #plentyofbooks #getreadin #getcomfy #usedbookstore #floortoceiling #bookloversdelight #smallbookshop #smallbookstore #snowevent #plowablesnow #visityourlocalbookstore #visitportmouth #portsmouthnh #snowdayreading
Jan 19

Got a Snow Event here in New England. Hope you have plenty of good books. And a comfy chair.
#sheafestreetbooks #Portsmouth #comfychair #plentyofbooks #getreadin #getcomfy #usedbookstore #floortoceiling #bookloversdelight #smallbookshop #smallbookstore #snowevent #plowablesnow #visityourlocalbookstore #visitportmouth #portsmouthnh #snowdayreading
Hope your day is really...
#Maine #fabulus #licenseplate #fabulousday #befabulous #maineisfabulous #vwbuglife #vwbeetlelovers #fabu #vacationland #frontbumper #vwbeetlelifestyle #fabulousday #licenseplateoftheday
Jan 19

Hope your day is really...
#Maine #fabulus #licenseplate #fabulousday #befabulous #maineisfabulous #vwbuglife #vwbeetlelovers #fabu #vacationland #frontbumper #vwbeetlelifestyle #fabulousday #licenseplateoftheday
Greetings from @hearthcommunity in Portsmouth New Hampshire
#hearthmarketportsmouth #grilledcheese #statues #portsmouthnh #maineroot #nhroadtrip #nhfoodies #mexicanecola #aphordite #NewHampsire
Jan 18

Greetings from @hearthcommunity in Portsmouth New Hampshire
#hearthmarketportsmouth #grilledcheese #statues #portsmouthnh #maineroot #nhroadtrip #nhfoodies #mexicanecola #aphordite #NewHampsire
Diggin the vinyl album collection at my barber shop.
#albumcovers #albumcollection #mybarbershop #johnmayall #slimwhitman #queen #dickeybetts #blindfaith #southsidejohnnyandtheasburyjukes #whosnext #earthwindandfire #pointersisters #greatesthits #thepretenders #turntablists #gotmyhaircut
Jan 18

Diggin the vinyl album collection at my barber shop.
#albumcovers #albumcollection #mybarbershop #johnmayall #slimwhitman #queen #dickeybetts #blindfaith #southsidejohnnyandtheasburyjukes #whosnext #earthwindandfire #pointersisters #greatesthits #thepretenders #turntablists #gotmyhaircut
A Tribute the Legendary Bob Uecker, who passed away yesterday at the age of 90 and the inspiration for our "Famous" TV commercials.
You will always be in our Front Row.
#bobuecker #ourinspiration #frontrow #imustbeinthefrontrow #seashoretrolleymuseum #famouscommercials #Kennebunkport #famousphotographers #notfamous #notfamousyet #ourtribute #asseenontv #heywaitup #greatseats #wrongseat #noautographsplease #trolley #trolleyride #trolleymuseum
Jan 18

A Tribute the Legendary Bob Uecker, who passed away yesterday at the age of 90 and the inspiration for our "Famous" TV commercials.
You will always be in our Front Row.
#bobuecker #ourinspiration #frontrow #imustbeinthefrontrow #seashoretrolleymuseum #famouscommercials #Kennebunkport #famousphotographers #notfamous #notfamousyet #ourtribute #asseenontv #heywaitup #greatseats #wrongseat #noautographsplease #trolley #trolleyride #trolleymuseum
Greetings from The Miss Portland Diner.
Established 1949.
Portland Maine.
#worcesterdiners #portlandmaine #missportland #newenglanddiners #legendarydiner #dinerstools #dinerart #dinersdriveinsanddives #oldschooldiner #visitportlandme #marginalway #classicdiner #worcesterlunchcarcompany #1949 #diners #haveaseat #counterservice #visitmaine #visitportland
Jan 17

Greetings from The Miss Portland Diner.
Established 1949.
Portland Maine.
#worcesterdiners #portlandmaine #missportland #newenglanddiners #legendarydiner #dinerstools #dinerart #dinersdriveinsanddives #oldschooldiner #visitportlandme #marginalway #classicdiner #worcesterlunchcarcompany #1949 #diners #haveaseat #counterservice #visitmaine #visitportland
When you visit the town hall @townofkennebunk, you may walk past this drawing by the one and only Steve Hrehovcik. Also known as my Dad.
#dadsdrawing #dadtheartist #mydadtheartist #townhall #Kennebunk #kennebunkmaine #mousamriverbridge #route1views #hesgood #mainstreetvibes #itsgood #alsoknownas #theoneandonly #Steve #mousamriver #mydadrocks #joshsdad #stevesson #hrehovcik #kennebunkartist
Jan 17

When you visit the town hall @townofkennebunk, you may walk past this drawing by the one and only Steve Hrehovcik. Also known as my Dad.
#dadsdrawing #dadtheartist #mydadtheartist #townhall #Kennebunk #kennebunkmaine #mousamriverbridge #route1views #hesgood #mainstreetvibes #itsgood #alsoknownas #theoneandonly #Steve #mousamriver #mydadrocks #joshsdad #stevesson #hrehovcik #kennebunkartist
In case you needed a hug today.
#sendinghugs #ahugaday #hugsforyou #yellowmellow #sendhugs #justincase #hugme #bighug #airhugs #flowerplanter
Jan 16

In case you needed a hug today.
#sendinghugs #ahugaday #hugsforyou #yellowmellow #sendhugs #justincase #hugme #bighug #airhugs #flowerplanter
Doin` the Breakfast Thing with Mom at Harvey`s in Dover, New Hampshire!
#breakfastwithmom #himom #dovernh #coffeewithmom #harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop #newhampshire #doingbreakfastright #Dover #coffeeandtea
Jan 15

Doin` the Breakfast Thing with Mom at Harvey`s in Dover, New Hampshire!
#breakfastwithmom #himom #dovernh #coffeewithmom #harveysbakeryandcoffeeshop #newhampshire #doingbreakfastright #Dover #coffeeandtea
Sending you Summer Memories from Old Orchard Beach Maine.
And, as always, my spirit animal.
#ferriswheels #seagulls #myspiritanimal #oldorchardbeach #summerinmaine #amusementparks #OOB #endlesssummer #sunandsurf #surfandsun #beachbucket #beachdayeveryday #summermemories #beachin #VisitMaine #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeach #beachingit
Jan 14

Sending you Summer Memories from Old Orchard Beach Maine.
And, as always, my spirit animal.
#ferriswheels #seagulls #myspiritanimal #oldorchardbeach #summerinmaine #amusementparks #OOB #endlesssummer #sunandsurf #surfandsun #beachbucket #beachdayeveryday #summermemories #beachin #VisitMaine #oldorchardbeachmaine #mainebeach #beachingit